Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovers out there! And happy gal-entines or pal-entines to the singletons.
Here at Twin Rivers, we're upset that we couldn't welcome you to the park in our luxury lodges and glamping units because of the ongoing pandemic but we're hoping to make up for that later in the year when we are allowed to reopen. For now though, we hope you have a lovely romantic day in whatever you choose to do and to all those who purchased gift vouchers ahead of the big day... we look forward to welcoming you later in the year!
Valentine's Day occurs on the 14th February every year across the world. Every year people exchanges cards, gift, and flowers in the name of St. Valentine. But who are they?
Well, the story of St. Valentine and indeed the day itself is shrouded in mystery but that hasn't stopped February becoming the most romantic month of the year. There are many stories that contain St. Valentine both Christian and Roman vestiges claim a St Valentine. In Roman history, it is believed that he was a Roman priest around in the third century AD.
According to some, the Emperor Claudius II banned marriage because he felt that married men made bad soldiers. Valentine believed this to be unfair so began arranging marriages in secret. But in good old Roman fashion, when Claudius found out what Valentine was doing, he sentenced him to death. In jail, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of the jailer (of course!) and because they had no such thing as social media and Whatsapp back then they exchanged letter. When Valentine was taken to be killed on the 14th February, he wrote her one last letter which was signed off "from your Valentine". How romantic!
It is believed the first Valentine's Day was is in 496 AD.
Valentine's Day is an old tradition believed to have originated form a Roman festival which took place in the middle of February called Lupercalia. As part of the tradition, boys drew names of girls out of a box and they would be matched as a couple for the duration of the festival. In some cases, they would eventually get married. Thankfully, that doesn't happen now!
As time progressed, the church turned the festival into a Christian celebration and began marking St Valentine's Day, too. Today the 14th February is a day where people express their love for each other but it's not just couples, friends and family members also exchanges cards and gifts as well.
If you're bored of the same four walls in lockdown and are looking for somewhere romantic to whisk your other half away to, then look no further than Twin Rivers. Our park boasts scenic views and luxury accommodation which will give you and your partner the quality time you need together. Email us today for more information.
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