Today is Pancake Day! So, dig out your best frying pan and let's get tossing!!
For most, Pancake Day has been an exciting day since we were kids. It was the time your parents got out the frying pan, made a pancake and let you flip it over. But what actually is Pancake Day?
Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday and it's the feast day before lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter and was traditionally a time for fasting. Anglo-Saxons Christians would go to Confession on Shrove Tuesday and would be shriven - or absolved of all their sins. On this day, a bell would ring to tell people it was time to go to confession. Today, that bell is still rung but is known as the Pancake Bell.
Because of the fast for Lent, Pancake Day was the last day people could use up the eggs and fats they had stored and the best way to use them up was to make pancakes.
If you don't know what pancakes are then listen up. They're thin, flat cakes made from a simple batter (flour, eggs, milk, and a touch of salt) and fried in a frying pan. They are a beautiful golden colour and traditionally in England they are topped with caster sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice. Although, golden syrup is also a popular choice.
Pancakes have been found in cookery books as early as 1439 and the tradition of flipping them is almost as old.
The Welsh have their own pancakes called crempogau. They're thick pancakes, thicker than a traditional crepe and are traditionally eaten in Wales on Shrove Tuesday (today).
These welsh pancakes are different to the English version and are more like American pancakes but bigger than a scotch pancake. They contain more ingredients that the flat, English pancake but they taste delicious so they're well worth the effort. Sometimes, they even contain currants for a fruity flavour.
If you're looking for a quick and simple recipe that uses few ingredients, then give this traditional English pancake recipe a go. Once you've cooked them all top with your favourite toppings - lemon and sugar, chocolate spread, golden syrup or fresh fruit.
To make 6 pancakes
100g plain flour
300ml of milk
2 eggs
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp of vegetable oil and a little more for frying
If you have a little time, a few more ingredients and want to do Shrove Tuesday the Welsh way, then have a go at these beauties.
55g butter
450ml warm buttermilk
75g sugar
275g plain flour
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt
2 eggs (beaten)
1tbsp vinegar
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